On Picasso’s plate

Picasso is therefore honored in Bordeaux, in this part of the Cité du vin: the space devoted to temporary exhibitions. Yannick Revel, author of the Bon sud Bon Genre blog, stopped by because art and gastronomy are his two passions. And we advise you to do the same, this exhibition “Picasso, the effervescence of forms”, immerses you in the universe of this great artist for a good hour, or even more.

Yannick on Picasso: If he liked to eat, he did not necessarily have luxury tastes. In 1953 he said he preferred Catalan sausages and beans to the cakes and caviar that his wife Olga loved.

From the misery of his twenties to the fortune of his end of life, Pablo Picasso has always spent long hours and crazy nights in places of cuisine and restoration. As a result, he integrated this universe, its utensils, its dishes into all his work. In reality, in his daily life, Picasso was an ascetic. He ate little and followed strict dietary rules. On the other hand, when he had guests, it was a feast. To understand his relationship to food, you have to delve into his writings. Indeed, some of his poems are real lists of ingredients for a recipe.

Picasso exhibits in Bordeaux

Blogger, journalist, author, content creator, entrepreneur… Yannick Revel is an insatiable storyteller. On his blog Bon Sud Bon Genre, he shares his vision of the art of living imbued with culture, travel and of course gastronomy. His passion is to meet and transmit, wherever he is. A beautiful beach, an exhibition, a new table, Yannick Revel likes to unearth good and beautiful addresses, sometimes off the beaten track. Between the Basque coast and Bordeaux, the esthete also shares her daily life, her enthusiasm and her favorites on her Instagram account.

Yannick Revel
Yannick Revel

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