“On June 1, we will provide answers to the safety of health professionals”, announces Minister Agnès Firmin Le Bodo

The Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions indicates that a report must be submitted to her on the issue of the safety of caregivers. Securing buildings and judicial response are among the areas of work.

“On June 1, we will provide answers to these important safety issues for healthcare professionals”, announces Agnès Firmin Le Bodo on Tuesday, May 23, on franceinfo. The Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions provides a plan of government measures based on three axes: the training of health personnel, the securing of health buildings and a judicial response to violent acts.

After bringing “all his support to the family” of the nurse killed at the Reims University Hospital and indicate that “a lot to the medical secretary who is still hospitalized”Agnès Firmin Le Bodo ensures that she has been working since November on the issue of the safety of health professionals and that a report must be submitted to her on June 1. “In a few days, we will provide answers to these people”.

Several lines of work to improve safety

The report was written by two people whom the Minister “missioned” : “Jean-Christophe Masseron, rather a specialist in the liberal world, and Nathalie Gagnon, who is a health executive at the AP-HP. They worked, they received more than 80 people, exchanged with all the professional federations (. ..). They collected more than 450 proposals. We must summarize them and propose lines of work.” The Minister in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions already sees three emerging.

“The first is to raise public awareness and also train caregivers in the management of aggression”. The second challenge will be “Prevent this violence and secure the buildings. When building a hospital, it is important to think about ecological transformation. It is also important to think about the safety of professionals.” Agnès Firmin Le Bodo takes the example of the emergency room of the Bichat hospital (Paris) which she visited where “there is no one in the corridors. The system was designed precisely to prevent this violence against health professionals, to manage the flow of people at the entrance”. While in Chambéry (Savoie), the hospital offers “bracelets that allow the geolocation of health professionals who are visiting their homes. All these measures must be generalized”.

The third line of work to reduce the risk of attacks on health personnel, according to the Minister, will be to “Reporting violence. It is important to tell health professionals that violence must be reported. And of course,

“We also need to support the victims and perhaps we will have to think about a more significant criminal response, as is the case with the response that we had to make, in particular on the violence against elected officials”.

Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions

at franceinfo

As the report on this mission on the safety of health professionals, initiated on November 21, must be submitted on June 1, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo believes that a “plan will be worked on before summer”.

Watch the full interview:

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