On family vacation in Tofino | Justin Trudeau stalked by a representative of a right-wing website

(Ottawa) Justin Trudeau’s family vacation to Tofino was temporarily marred by the sudden appearance of a representative of a right-wing website who managed to get within inches of the prime minister, under the gaze of RCMP officers.

What there is to know

While on vacation, Justin Trudeau was accosted and chased by a representative of the right-wing website The Counter Signal.

The individual managed to approach the prime minister and remain alone with him for a while before the bodyguards arrived.

RCMP officers should have intervened more quickly, according to security specialist Michel Juneau-Katsuya.

The Prime Minister tried to turn away Keean Bexte, a former member of the Rebel News organization, but to no avail. So he ended up inviting him to walk in the sand with him, after seeing his youngest son, Hadrien, come out of the water and approach them.

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