Trouble the waters

Trouble the waters
The People
360 pages
“ It comes out on September 27, but it’s really my favorite. Frédérick Lavoie is an independent journalist who works extensively abroad. He received a grant in 2017 to report on the water situation in Bangladesh, with the idea of one day writing a book on it. Eventually, he realized that he wasn’t really equipped to tell this story from the perspective of the people of Bangladesh. He has come to question himself and he questions the right of journalists to tell these stories. This is the kind of ethical issue that drives me. When I started reading it, I was never able to put it down. »
When I don’t say anything I still think

When I don’t say anything I still think
The Cravan Goose
108 pages
“Everyone should read this collection. It’s a kind of intrusion into an inner dialogue. I find that Camille Readman Prud’homme succeeds in naming things that we no longer even think about. It’s very meta, his way of analyzing everyday subjects, and at the same time, it’s so much like that. For me, she’s a bit like a philosopher, but a philosopher of the banal. She will look for the small gesture; It’s very reassuring to read his words. I think this book should really get into the hands of as many people as possible. »
Run Towards the Danger

Run Towards the Danger
Penguin Random House
272 pages
“ It’s in English, but she has signed on for a French translation which should arrive in early 2024. It’s a series of six essays by this actress and director from Toronto on different themes. Among other things, there is a text which talks about the fact that directors are forgiven a lot. She asks how far we can allow a director to go far in the way he manages his set. […] There is a text that gives the title to the book and it has become a kind of mantra that runs through it. It’s brilliantly written and I invite people to listen to the audio version because she’s the one reading it and we have access to her thoughts. »