on Christmas Eve, Emmanuel Macron calls on the French to do “a preventive test” and “isolate themselves” in the event of symptoms

Recall. The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron invited Thursday, December 23 in a tweet the French to do “a preventive test to reassure” before reuniting with their families for the Christmas holidays, while France is going through a fifth wave of Covid-19 and that the Omicron variant is spreading rapidly.

“Happy Holidays to all !”, he wrote. “To those who will have the joy of getting together with their family for Christmas: barrier gestures, a preventive test to reassure, and in the event of a symptom, we isolate ourselves, we alert. To those mobilized to treat, protect us: thank you. Let’s take care of each other. ”

After this tweet, the Head of State issued a new call for caution in a video posted on social networks. “These are moments of reunion, of gaiety, of recklessness, of sharing with family or friends, but this year once again because of the virus, I will ask you to be very vigilant during these holidays”, he explained. The president enumerated the list of barrier gestures to be pursued during this period: “The mask, wash your hands regularly, keep the distance, ventilate regularly (…) as soon as there are symptoms, isolate and test us”. “It is, even if you are vaccinated, to test yourself or to go to be tested before going to find your relatives, especially when they are older”, does he have.

He also called on those who have not yet received an injection to be “vaccinated” and to those already vaccinated to “do it better” with the vaccination booster “, because” the virus is running “he said. insisted. Finally, he thanked the hospital staff, the civil security forces, the people in the vaccination centers, those who “take care of others in our country”, for their commitment.

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