From 7 a.m. on Friday April 1, some 80 volunteers met in the technical premises of the Eure department. Three hours later, the 27 eurois trucks headed for the Ukrainian border.
Under the snowflakes
After a briefing and a breakfast on the site of Rougemare, the humanitarian convoy takes the direction of the hotel of the department. Here, the last trucks are loaded and the teams are organized.
The snowflakes accompanied the convoy at the start of its journey but did not disrupt traffic. The hour delay, at the start, was the consequence of last minute logistical adjustments.
Two hours late leaving France
On the road, the convoy encounters the difficulty of keeping order while passing the tolls. Around midday and a few, the trucks reorganize on a motorway service area; the volunteers take the opportunity to eat their snacks.
– Paul Sertillanges
After passing through a petrol station, near Metz, the 27 trucks cross the German border at Forbacharound 5 p.m., two hours behind schedule.
A heavyweight as reinforcement
As the volunteers set off, another truck is loaded with the rest of the donations ; this time a truck driven by a professional.
– Paul Sertillanges
“There is, inside, the equivalent of 5 or 6 trucks of our convoysmiles Diane Leseigneur, vice-president of the departmental council of Eure. I salute the responsiveness of Duhamel transport, which reacted very quickly. We contacted the company yesterday at 5pm.”
This truck must, him, arrive Monday evening in Romania.