On a visit to China, the UN human rights chief claims to have spoken with “frankness” to the leaders but denies any “investigation”

After spending several days in Xinjiang, Michelle Bachelet urged China to avoid “arbitrary measures” towards the Muslim Uyghur minority in the region.

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It was not “not an investigation”. The UN human rights chief said on Saturday May 28 that the purpose of her visit to China, accused of repressing the Muslim Uyghur minority in the name of anti-terrorism, was not to investigate about it. Nevertheless, Michelle Bachelet assured, during an online press conference, to have “understood” those who criticized him for his lack of criticism of the Chinese government and for having spoken with “franchise” to communist leaders.

The Chinese region of Xinjiang has long been the scene of bloody attacks targeting civilians and committed, according to the government, by Uyghur separatists and Islamists. In the name of anti-terrorism, the territory has been under draconian surveillance for several years.

Beijing is accused of having interned more than a million Uyghurs and members of other Muslim ethnic groups in “re-education camps”. China denounces biased reports and talks about “vocational training centers” aimed at eradicating extremism. The regional government assured him that the network of these centers had been “dismantled”said Michelle Bachelet.

In addition, the issue of Uyghur family separations has been raised with the Chinese authorities in Xinjiang, according to Michelle Bachelet. “We are aware of the number of people who are looking for news of their loved ones (…) This question and others have been raised with the authorities”she said in an online press conference.

After her multi-day visit to Xinjiang, the UN human rights chief urged China to avoid “arbitrary measures” In the region. The 70-year-old Chilean ex-president also assured that Beijing had no “not supervised” his encounters in Xinjiang.

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