on a trip to New York with her lover, the former Miss France is violently attacked!

On a trip to New York (United States) Maëva Coucke could not hold back her tears in front of the lights of Times Square. A reaction that the former beauty queen chose to share with her 395,000 subscribers. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a touching moment turned into a nightmare for Miss France 2018 who once again came under heavy criticism… Remarks to which the pretty redhead decided to respond. Visibly disappointed by the behavior of some Internet users, the one who shares her life with François Bonifaci wanted to display the ” Wrong in his story.

What a beauty to cry in front of lights. I went there last year and honestly there is nothing impressive. I prefer 1000 times Paris or London “, can we read in particular. To which the young woman replied personally: “ But can you respect other people’s emotions? They are lights for you, but it is a dream for me. And despite everything I’ve had the chance to experience, I still manage to marvel at Times Square. What is impressive for you may not be for others, you have to know how to accept the differences “.

“Humans can be so mean”

But when she had just cropped this famous Franck, another of her followers attacked her. ” I hope the homeless in New York make you cry too “wrote the latter. What to explode Maeva Coucke. ” The bad ones who come to comment on my last Reel you have nothing else to do? I have lunch in the public square because I realize my dream ??? Humans can be so mean sometimes… It’s sad. I wish you too to be amazed in front of a city, it will do you good “. That is what is said!


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