Omicron variant: thousands of Quebecers isolated at Christmas due to COVID-19

The Omicron variant suddenly changed the holiday season for thousands of Quebecers who had to isolate themselves away from their own after being tested positive for the virus.

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Two fathers who tested positive for COVID-19 chose to stay away from their loved ones in order to protect them.

“My daughter was born on December 23, so it was her one year two days ago, and my symptoms started on the 21st. As soon as the 21st, as soon as I started to feel it, I told my family to find a place to isolate themselves, ”said Carl Lafleur.

Like many families, the latter celebrated Christmas through FaceTime. He hopes his daughter recognizes him when he appears on the screen.

“I have the impression, at her age, that she recognizes me even through the phone,” he explained.

For his part, Carl Tremblay has been in isolation since last Monday.

“What it did was the children stayed with their mother and didn’t come home. Me and my wife, we isolated ourselves. My partner sleeps in my son’s room, then I sleep downstairs, ”said the father who contracted the coronavirus.

Unlike many, however, he is fortunate to see his children “through the window of the house”, since the children’s mother lives near him.

“The children, I see them having fun outside on the field, they come and say ‘hello’ to me in the window,” said Carl Tremblay.

The two men still keep their spirits up and tell themselves that this bad moment will soon be over.

“We are not alone in the boat, then we will be able to meet, hopefully, in mid-January or at the end of January, in that corner. Then, I’m sure the family will be even happier to see each other again at that time, ”said Carl Lafleur.

“We are healthy, that’s what is the main thing, then they were exempt from catching it. When you catch it, you realize that it’s really true, then yes, it spanks. I spent four really, really intense days, sick, in bed. Then there, things are going well, but look, health! Other than that, you can’t ask for anything more. If we are healthy, the rest will come, ”said Carl Tremblay.

On Christmas Day, the queues were long in front of several screening clinics in the province, which suggests that New Year’s Day will also be in isolation for many Quebecers.

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