Omicron variant: “the N95 is absolutely necessary”

Faced with the rise of the Omicron variant, which is much more contagious, wearing the N95 mask “is absolutely necessary”, particularly for healthcare workers, believes retired virologist Jacques Lapierre.

• Read also: COVID-19: WHO predicts “a large number” of hospitalizations, even if Omicron turns out to be less dangerous

• Read also: Omicron variant: Quebecers in Florida are in another world

But for this mask, which filters 95% of particles, to be really more effective than the others, it must be worn properly.

“When you see someone who has a beard, for example, and who wears the N95, the N95 is not effective. It has to be really snug on the skin and there is no beard, ”explains Mr. Lapierre in an interview with LCN.

It is normal for the N95 mask to be rather uncomfortable and tight on the face, confirms the retired virologist.

“It has to be very, very fitted to the face. All the air you breathe or exhale must pass through the mask, otherwise it is no more effective than another mask, ”he argues.

For Jacques Lapierre, the many images broadcast every day, on which people have seen wearing a mask, are “a horror film”.

“I see a lot of masks below the nose, I see masks that are extremely ill-fitting. It is extremely important, as long as wearing a mask, to wear it properly, ”he says.

The retired virologist also recalls that fabric masks, “it is not very effective” and that medical masks should be preferred.

See the full interview in the video above.

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