Omicron variant: some countries close their borders to deal with the virus


Article written by

M. Burgot, N. Bertrand, C. Marchand, K. Le Bouquin, B. De Saint Jore – France 2

France Televisions

Faced with the threat of the Omicron variant, several countries have decided to take their precaution by closing their borders.

This may be the start of a new seizure after the Delta variant. Detected in South Africa, the Omicron variant is starting to gain more and more attention. If no contamination has yet been identified in France, suspected cases are worrying. For the moment, France has not yet taken drastic measures to fight against this new mutation of the covid-19. This is not the case with other countries which are starting to close their borders.

Israel, Japan, Australia and even Morocco have decided to take a radical solution to the threat posed by the Omicron variant. These countries have decided to close their borders to foreign tourists. In Tokyo, residents approve of the decision. “Of course, infected people should not be allowed to enter Japan. The situation has stabilized here, it is normal to close the borders “, welcomes Kenichi Ohashi, resident of Tokyo. Others have decided to only close their doors to the inhabitants of southern Africa, such as the United States and Great Britain among others.

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