Omicron variant: France fears “societal disorganization”




Article written by

A. Girault-Carlier, A. Guin, N. Fleury, C. Astruc, G. Le Goff, JM. Talenton, H. Horoks – France 2

France Televisions

The major fear of the Scientific Council is a meteoric spread of coronavirus cases, which would lead to an increase in sick leaves, thus disrupting society. This projection appears more likely than ever, since France has just beaten an absolute record with more than 91,000 new cases recorded in the last 24 hours.

A disorganized France in January, hundreds of thousands of contaminations per day at the start of the school year, under the pressure of the Omicron variant. Thursday, December 23, the Scientific Council is worried about a scenario: “the possible societal disorganization of society, from the beginning of January, when we are going to have very, very numerous Omicron contaminations”, summarizes Jean-François Delfraissy, President of the Scientific Council.

Hospitals, supermarkets, schools, essential services that could quickly be disorganized. This is already the case for transport, where personnel are starting to run out. The RATP has canceled trains scheduled for Friday, December 24, the SNCF must her too suspend certain trains on more than ten regional lines. Companies are seeing that work stoppages are on the increase and are anticipating a very complicated month of January. An exceptional Council of Ministers is scheduled for Monday, December 27.

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