Omicron represents 80% of cases in Quebec, according to the INSPQ

The prevalence of the Omicron variant is around 80% in Quebec, announces the INSPQ.

• Read also: Variant Omicron and Christmas: “We come back to you tomorrow with our decisions”

Here is the press release issued Tuesday afternoon:

“The first case of the Omicron variant in Quebec was confirmed by genome sequencing on November 29. A screening test was used to screen for presumptive Omicron cases from SARS-CoV-2 positive cases of travelers and their contacts.

In order to have a portrait of the situation in Quebec and to check whether this new worrying variant is already circulating in the community, the LSPQ has also carried out two ad hoc surveys to determine by screening the number of Omicron variants among the positive cases for SARS-CoV. -2. The Nov. 30 investigation did not reveal any cases of the Omicron variant, but the unfinished Dec. 14 screening assay established the prevalence of Omicron at at least 28%.

Sentinel laboratory analyzes reveal very rapid progression of the Omicron variant, with a prevalence of around 80%, barely three weeks after the first confirmed case in Quebec. This means that 8 out of 10 SARS-CoV-2 infections are attributed to the Omicron variant.

Considering the speed at which Omicron has established itself in other countries and elsewhere in Canada, it is no longer relevant or realistic to attempt to slow it down by systematic screening of positive cases and a different management of cases and contacts. It is however useful to continue to document the speed of installation of the variant in Quebec in order to refine our projections and our models and thus better anticipate the real impact of this Omicron variant on the epidemiological situation, in particular on short-term hospitalizations. and intensive care. “

More details will follow …

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