Omicron postpones public service return to work in Quebec

The cities of Quebec and Lévis are announcing the extension of teleworking for their public service the day after the recommendation to this effect issued by public health. About 1,750 officials will have to wait before returning to the offices.

The national capital is thus postponing the implementation of his return to work, initially scheduled for January 10. The scenario, announced this fall, called for a return to hybrid mode in which employees had to come to the office at least two days a week.

This plan is now postponed indefinitely. The decision affects 1,600 public servants who are currently using telework.

Lévis, for its part, decrees teleworking compulsory immediately. Since mid-November, the City had put in place a gradual return to office plan that had allowed some 150 municipal officials to return. This plan is suspended until further notice, announces the City in a press release, a decision which “will be reviewed according to the evolution of the health situation and the recommendations of the government. “

Chaudière-Appalaches public health recorded 219 cases on Wednesday, the highest number of daily cases since the start of the fourth wave of COVID-19. The CISSS of the region asked the population to collaborate in its epidemiological investigations and to respect the isolation order in the event of positive results.

The day before, health authorities had expressed their concerns about the rapid spread of the Omicron variant. “It is at our doors,” then warned the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé. In Ontario, a third of contaminations are due to the variant.

In the Capitale-Nationale, the most recent data on the transmission of COVID-19 follow the trend observed throughout Quebec. Public health reports 146 new cases there on Wednesday; you have to go back to April 22 to find a higher number of daily infections in the region.

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