Omar Sy: His clan is revealed on video … Amani-Nour, his youngest, adorable with his long braids

A rule which is, however, less and less true: little by little, the elders of the actor and his long-time companion, are revealed on their own social networks. At 21, the tallest, Selly, is a fashion fan and has even taken up photography, doing photo shoots including Alassane Diong, a young actor who had played with his father in one of his last films, Skirmishers.

Radiant, she even accompanied Omar Sy to a Louis Vuitton show a few weeks ago, brilliantly achieving a first public outing. The couple’s second daughter, Sabah, is the spitting image of her father and has fun changing her face on her Instagram account. Recently, she had graduated from high school, a great moment she had shared with her parents and siblings.

Two teenagers complete the family: Tidiane, 16, and Alhadji, 13. The two boys are extremely athletic: if the eldest loves basketball and moreover greatly exceeds his mother in height, the youngest seems to be a good boxer and had been filmed by Hélène Sy in full training.

Children who were very protected during their youngest years: while in 2012, a media madness had fallen on Omar Sy after the release ofUntouchableshe had decided to take his whole family to live in the United States, in Los Angeles, where they grew up peacefully… And where he began a fine American career: after X-Men and Jurassic Parkhe is expected in a film with Kerry Washington, star of the series Scandal !

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