Omar Sy FINALLY reveals the reason that prompted him to “put some distance” and leave France

Like M Pokora a few years ago or other artists, Omar Sy has been living in the United States with his small family for some time. A choice of life which did not fail to react to the fans of the interpreter of Lupine when the comedian decided to “leave” the country that saw him grow up. However, the one who spends happy days with Hélène has never really prepared for his departure. Indeed, he did not plan to settle across the Atlantic several years before doing so, as he has just revealed in an interview with Psychologies.

“It was a bit radical”he initially confided before adding that, “in reality”it would come from a “movement that happened slowly. I always take one step after another, without expecting anything specific. It’s a state of mind that allows you to keep the door open to many possibilities and it leaves more extraordinary chance”. But then, why did you leave France on a whim? What motivated the comedian to pack his bags for good?

Omar Sy delivers his truth on his departure from France

He precisely gave the answer in the rest of his interview. At first, Omar Sy simply wanted “spend a year in the sun, have a good time, and then come back”. Bad luck or not, he and his family fell in love with the living environment. “It worked much better than we imagined”, recognizes Omar Sy before explaining, also, that there “were job opportunities, we felt good there, we found a form of appeasement there. compared to what we had just experienced in France. Over there, notoriety is softer there.”

Indeed, the one who gave news of the series Lupine very quickly went from “poor success” to great notoriety. And it hasn’t always been easy to live with. “I went from Omar and Fred (Testot) to Omar Sy. I wondered what I was going to be able to do with this new status. I needed to protect my kids. To protect myself. So, I I distanced myselfhe finally concluded.

See also: Omar Sy: huge consecration for the 44-year-old actor, the canvas in shock!


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