Omar Raddad case: the request for a new expertise could be granted


France 3

Article written by

L. Nahon, N. Perez, R. Michelot V. Llado, W. Kamli, E. Rassat, S. Auvray E. de Pourquery, A. Lopez – France 3

France Televisions

Thursday, October 13, Omar Raddad will find out if he has the right to a new trial. The gardener, pardoned but never cleared for the murder of Ghislaine Marchal almost 30 years ago, filed a motion for review. He hopes that justice will find the real culprits.

For 30 years, Omar Raddad proclaims his innocence. JThursday, October 13, his fight may be about to reach a turning point. A secret investigation could solve the murder of Ghislaine Marchal. In 2002, a woman presented herself to the Nice gendarmerie (Alpes-Maritimes) and claimed that the deceased heiress frequented a bar run by two brothers, figures of organized crime. VSThey would be the ones who organized the burglary at the sexagenarian.

According to the journalist revealing this information, the witness also makes other revelations.This informant says she saw Martial P. arrive covered in blood the same day of the murder“, reports Jean-Michel Decugisco-author of Ministry of Injustice (ed. Grasset). The gendarmes judged the information reliable, and asked the prosecutor to continue their investigations, without success. A gendarme admits that the continuation of the investigation would have been able to change everything, but does not explain why the request remained unanswered. Since both brothers are deceased. However, four DNAs were found. Master Sylvie NoashovitchOmar’s lawyer Raddad, requires further analysis.

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