OM supporters banned from traveling to Lyon for Olympico

As was predictable, and feared, by OM supporters, they will not be welcome in Lyon, Sunday 21 at 8:45 pm, for the shock of the 14th day of Ligue 1. An Olympico that promises a lot on paper , between OL, 7th, which could come back up to points from Marseille, 4th, in the event of victory.

The shock will not be volcanic in the stands. Certainly alerted by the precedents of Nice and Angers, the prefect of the Rhône thus took the responsibility of prohibiting the stadium and its surroundings to Marseille fans.

In a press release published by the Lyon club, it is therefore specified that “dn the framework of the OL / OM match, this Sunday, November 21 at 8:45 p.m. at Groupama Stadium, the prefect of the Rhône issued an order prohibiting the parking and movement of Marseille supporters in downtown Lyon and around the stadium at Décines. Anyone claiming to be a Marseille supporter, showing up with a jersey, scarf or an OM distinctive sign, will not be able to access Groupama Stadium and may be arrested by the police.

This vigilance will continue throughout the game, as well as after the game. In addition, Olympique Lyonnais informs that the safety devices, in particular the pat-downs at the entrance to Groupama Stadium, will be reinforced to ensure the safety of supporters within the stadium. Any indelicate or dangerous behavior around or inside the stadium will be immediately punished and the perpetrators will be handed over to the police. The Club is counting on the mobilization of its supporters to make this evening a success and a moment of celebration of football “.

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