Olivier Véran’s announcements to stem the fifth wave of Covid-19

Olivier Véran held a long-awaited press conference this Thursday, November 25, 2021. Indeed, in front of the worrying figures and the rise of a possible fifth wave, the Minister of Health announced several measures supposed to stem a possible endemic recovery. “No confinement, no curfew “ said the former doctor but a whole series of precautions in order to deal with acute contamination. “We can pass this wave without resorting to the most restrictive tools “, he told the press.

The Minister of Health preferred to rely on the opinion of the High Authority for Health, published a little earlier in the day: he announced this Thursday, November 25 that the vaccine booster against Covid-19, most often the third dose, would henceforth be “Open to all adults from five months after their last injection”. “You can already go to the online appointment booking platforms to reserve your slots “ and “We are going to open, reopen or expand the vaccination centers from this weekend”, he said.

Update on anti-Covid-19 measures

“In practice, this concerns 25 million French people, 6 million of whom have already received their booster, so there are still 19 million French people to date who become eligible for the vaccination booster and whom we call on to be vaccinated in the next two months”, clarified Olivier Véran. “We will mobilize everything we can, “he continued. He calls “Solemnly” the hesitant to ” take the plunge “. In fact, millions of French people still refuse to be vaccinated despite government instructions and the advice of doctors.

“As of December 15, the health pass for people over 65 will no longer be active if the reminder has not been made within seven months of infection or after the last injection. And from 15 January this health pass for all other audiences, that is to say French people aged 18 to 64, will no longer be active if the reminder has not been made within this period, which remains unchanged for seven months afterwards. the last injection “, he said.

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