Olivier Véran has “no opinion to give” on a possible maintenance of Élisabeth Borne as Prime Minister



Asked about a possible reshuffle and a possible arrival of Gérald Darmanin at Matignon, Olivier Véran, the government spokesman, guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, assures that he “is not making plans on the comet”.

Does Olivier Véran want Elisabeth Borne to remain Prime Minister, in the event of a reshuffle? Asked about this, Wednesday July 12 on franceinfo, the spokesperson for the executive prefers to kick in touch. “I am part of a government collective, I have no opinion to give on the matter“, he replies. “I am before you this morning as the spokesperson for a government, which is not thinking about the question of the reshuffle, but which is there to defend government action and also to listen to the French“, still eludes the former socialist, while the rumors of a change of team are insistent.

>> EDITORIAL. Reshuffle: Emmanuel Macron more than ever “master of the clocks”

Olivier Véran, in government since February 2020, is just as cautious about the hypothesis of a replacement of Élisabeth Borne by Gérald Darmanin, from the right. If he doesn’t “planes on the comet“, he also does not insult the future. The current Minister of the Interior “is part of a government of overcoming“, he points, and “he too is part of this presidential logic that we have been following since 2017 and which means that we are able, beyond the disagreements we may have with others, at the end of the day, to manage to work together“.

Have you ever caught us failing to be able to work together? It so happens that I have been a deputy under other majorities, in particular during the Hollande five-year term where the ministers, although belonging to the same party, could not agree and as soon as one said something, the other said something else“, recalls Olivier Véran. “From our differences, we make a wealth for the country, and it is basically the number one wish of the French, who five years ago was to say: ‘it is enough to say that you are not able to work together, sit around the table‘” he says.

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