Olivier Véran has “difficulty understanding” Gérard Larcher’s refusal to participate


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This body will bring together professionals and citizens to study various issues, including school and health. It will launch on September 8.

“I find it hard to understand that we can refuse the outstretched hand to come and talk and discuss”said government spokesman Olivier Véran on Tuesday August 30 on franceinfo, after Gérard Larcher’s refusal to participate in the National Council for Refoundation (CNR), as revealed by franceinfo. “I think that this body cannot achieve the renovation of democracy to which you aspire”, said the President of the Senate in a letter addressed to Emmanuel Macron. The CNR, wanted by the Head of State, must be launched on September 8th.

>> Four questions on the “National Council of refoundation” that Emmanuel Macron wants to launch after the legislative elections

“It is not a question of asking him to vote for something, we are asking him to come and listen with us to what the experts have to tell us, and to say the ways and means that he is ready to implement in order to be able to pull us collectively upwards”, added Olivier Véran. According to him, the executive “keep reaching out”.

The CNR will be launched at the National Rugby Center in Marcoussis, he also specified. According to him, “it is an emblematic place, the Mecca of rugby, which shows the collective spirit, the spirit of openness and the values ​​that are those of rugby”. “You will have around the table all the people of good will who are not afraid to come and share with the French a diagnosis of the situation in our country”he said.

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