Olivier Véran feels “a lot of anger, a very strong emotion”

At the time of the attack, 1:30 a.m., the mayor was still at the town hall “precisely to avoid abuses, violence, to verify that everything was in place to guarantee the safety of his fellow citizens”, points out the government spokesperson.

“I send all the support of the government to the mayor, his family and the inhabitants of the commune, and I tell them that the Republic is grateful to them, and will remain by their side”, reacted Olivier Véran, guest Sunday July 2 of the program Questions Politiques on France Inter, franceinfo and Le Monde, after the attack on the home of the mayor LR of L’Haÿ-les-Roses in the car-ram in the night from Saturday to Sunday. The government spokesman expresses “a lot of anger, a very strong emotion” after this attack.

>> Élisabeth Borne promises that “the culprits will be prosecuted with the greatest firmness”.

“Do you know why the family of Vincent Jeanbrun, the mayor of L’Haÿ-les-Roses, was attacked? Why the mayor of Charleville-Mézières Boris Ravignon was attacked? Why dozens of elected officials were the target of looters again tonight? Because they constitute a bulwark for the Republic against looting and disorder, it is not trivial”says Olivier Véran. “At the time when the house was attacked, with his wife and two young children inside, the mayor was in his town hall, alongside the internal security forces, firefighters, association leaders Why was he there so late? Precisely to avoid exactions, violence, to check that everything was in place to guarantee the safety of his fellow citizens”.

“Robbing a Footlocker, a Sephora, a Lacoste store is not a political message, it’s looting”

“There is a movement of anger, of distress obviously, the death of young Nahel is a human tragedy, which calls for answers from justice”indicates Olivier Véran, who recalls that the policeman who fired the shot is still in detention. “There is emotion, which is not confined to the neighborhoods, which crosses the whole country, because a 17-year-old young man found death in a brutal way”, he adds. But Olivier Véran distinguishes this emotion from looting:

“Look at the minutes published in certain newspapers of the immediate appearances of young people who were caught red-handed in our cities, none spoke of Nahel, none claimed Nahel.”

Olivier Véran, government spokesperson

at franceinfo

“So let’s not compare the twoconjures Olivier Véran. It is almost an insult to the movement of emotion which has been able to cross and which still crosses at least part of our country.

Olivier Véran distinguishes the “movements of political demands, sometimes marches interspersed with contained violence” and the events of the last nights: “robbing a Footlocker, a Sephora, a Lacoste store is not a political message, it’s looting”concludes the government spokesperson.

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