Olivier Véran discusses the criteria for lifting the vaccination pass

In the Senate, Olivier Véran sketched the government’s tracks on Tuesday for the upcoming lifting of the vaccine pass. Before the mission of information on the vaccine pass, the Minister of Health mentioned the criteria which could be retained for the stop of the device which conditions the access to certain places.

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Reach “1,500 Covid patients in sheave”

“We would have to go down to around 1,500 Covid patients in the sheave, for us to consider that the normal functioning of hospitals is restored”, explained Olivier Véran. He also added that the reproduction rate of the virus will have to be “permanently less than one“, while the incidence rate should be “around 300 to 500 maximum“. The Minister specified that a lifting of the vaccination pass would take effect in “all or part of the places where it applies“.

He indicated that the modalities for lifting the pass remain to be defined. The minister said he was waiting for the opinion of the scientific authorities so that decisions could be taken during the next defense councils.

The Minister took the opportunity to praise the interest of the vaccine pass, even if he recognizes that with “a duration of application of barely a month, the hindsight is still lacking“. Corn “unquestionably, the pass has contributed to the fight against the epidemic“by avoiding contamination and encouraging the French to be vaccinated and to receive booster doses.

The conditions met around mid-March?

Olivier Véran also mentioned a calendar. According to him, if the current downward trajectory of the epidemic continues, the conditions cited above should be achieved “within two to three weeks maximum“, around mid-March. But the minister nevertheless recalled that the number of daily deaths remains relatively high, with “290“deaths recorded on Monday is”10% of annual road fatalities” he compared. Olivier Véran called not to take the Omicron variant lightly.

He explained that it was important, in his opinion, to “proceed in stages“in the lifting of the past, insisting on retaining”great caution to prevent new contamination due to too rapid release“.

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