Olivier Véran believes that a ban “will not cool the planet” and pleads for European “consultation”

Olivier Véran, government spokesperson, estimated on Tuesday August 23 on France Inter that “it’s not the ban on private jets that will suddenly chill the planet”. “The individual, private use of the private jet is a very small part of the jet, which is itself a very small part of the use of the plane, which represents a very small part of the CO2 emissions”specifies the Minister responsible for Democratic Renewal, while left-wing elected officials, including environmentalist Julien Bayou, are calling for a ban on private jets in order to fight against climate change.

The government spokesman says “understand that a Frenchman who is careful in his daily life is shocked by the fact that some can take a private jet to make flea jumps” but he believes that the “private jet, it’s not that in the vast majority of cases”. “It’s commercial transport, it creates jobs, so it’s not a question of banning it”slice Olivier Véran.

He concedes, however, that the “jet has symbolic value and that symbols are important”. “The French must not have the feeling that it is always the same people who are asked to make efforts: the working classes and the middle classes”, sums up the government spokesperson. Olivier Véran thus welcomes the declaration of the Minister Delegate for Transport, Clément Beaune, who wishes “think about the regulation of private jet flights”. “He proposes to carry out a consultation at European level to see if there are ways to offset CO2 emissions”he says, convinced that “this consultation can make sense” after a summer that “has accumulated everything, drought, storms and fires” in terms of climate.

“We have all touched on what the word climate change means and causes in our daily lives”, adds the minister. He assures that “The government has been on the job for years” and “wants to go further”with in particular the sobriety plan that will be “presented to the Council of Ministers at the start of the school year”. “Efforts must focus on everyone”he summarizes, starting with state organizations, ministries and administrations, to which the government asks to “make efforts”while guaranteeing companies “which create jobs to continue to operate in the best conditions”.

There are no French people who will have to be careful and others who will not have to.

Olivier Veran

at France Inter

For the government spokesman, these “efforts must be acceptable to everyone”. He thus assumes the fact of having set up an additional rebate on the price of fuel in September, “because going back to school is expensive”.

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