Olivier Pernaut with the family in Dubai: laughter and delicacies after the tragedy

On March 2, 2022, Olivier lost his loving dad Jean-Pierre Pernaut, who died at the age of 71. Very touched by his death, the usually very discreet man had come out of his reserve to testify to the immense sadness he felt and recount his last moments by his side.

Even if you never really mourn a dad, Olivier Pernaut decided to go ahead and change his mind during a “family trip” in Dubai. Leaving with his wife Catherine Dupraz and their two children, the Pernaut family was able to discover the breathtaking landscapes of the United Arab Emirates. The children were able to pose with the enormous bear from the cartoon Masha and Michka before tasting succulent ice cream made by a woman-robot. Captivated by the country, Olivier Pernaut also shared images of the Global Village Dubai, gigantic amusement park with rides, concerts and entertainment.

A few days ago, Olivier Pernaut revealed many photographs with his dad on Instagram. Both driven by a passion for the automobile, they appeared in driver’s clothing. “5 years ago we were going to take thanks to @optic2000_officiel the start of our first @tourauto with dad, what an adventure!!! Thank you for everything. Obviously 5 years later, lots of memories come back. Good road to all, enjoy.” he wrote in the caption.

During the funeral of his dad organized on March 9 at the Basilica of Sainte-Clotilde in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, Olivier remembered with emotion the last time he had seen Jean-Pierre Pernaut. “I will forever remember the last look we exchanged, the day before your operation, when I left your room. We both looked a little worried, I think. And we didn’t really want to leave each other that day“.

As a reminder, Jean-Pierre Pernaut had 4 children: Lou (19) and Tom (18), the fruit of his love with his wife Nathalie Marquay but also Olivier (40) and Julia (45), from his relationship with his ex-wife Dominique Bonnet.

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