Olivier Minne lifts the veil on his relationship with his spouse!

An essential face of the French audiovisual landscape for many years, the host of Fort Boyard has always known how to remain discreet about his private life. If he describes himself as an incorrigible romantic “, the one who came out as homosexual in 2017 is not the type to unpack his private life.

During an interview with the magazine Nous Deux to discuss the great return of Fort Boyard, Olivier Minne however agreed to answer a question about his love life. At the question “Have you found love? », he therefore replied: “Of course, otherwise it would be terrible! »

“As a couple or not, it doesn’t change much of the fact that an existence without love, whatever it is, is terrible”the 55-year-old host later said. “I am lucky to be loved and I think I love as best I can,” finally concluded Olivier Minne.

“I love being in love”

If the fiftieth anniversary did not reveal the identity of the man who shared his view, in 2021, during an interview granted this time to Gala.fr, the television man was already holding the same romantic speech: “I love being in love, even if it’s a feeling that generates joy, but also pain. You can be in love lovingly, but also with your friends, your family. I am a great lover. I like the idea that love is lived intensely, ”he confided.

See also: “Yes I’m gay”: A famous TV host comes out!

Lisa Ziane

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