Olivier Minne happy not to have had children, rare secrets about his private life

Until very recently, Olivier Minne had made it a point of honor to preserve his private life and his intimacy away from the media revealing nothing about his love affairs or his sexual orientation. It was not until 2014 that he broke the silence by revealing that he was bisexual or rather “heteromo“in the show The Big Mouths on RMC. Three years later, he confided to the journalists of BuzzFeed to be homosexual:I used this pirouette because I didn’t want to deny the stories I had with women (…). Today I would define myself as gay. I never went through this phase of concealment because everything happened quietly in a family that didn’t ask questions about it.

If he has never formalized a lover in the past, the host of Fort Boyard nevertheless gives a very big place to his sentimental life which is for him essential to his happiness. “I love being in love, even if it’s a feeling that generates joy but also pain. You can be in love lovingly, but also with your friends, your family. I am a big lover. I like the idea that love is lived intensely” he thus revealed to Gala in 2021.

However, the handsome brunette who made a few appearances in the series A boy a girl, admits to being very happy alone and having a rather solitary character even if he appreciates having many friends around him. “I think I tamed it very early. I love being surrounded, I have a band, but in reality, I remain a loner. The world has never been so connected and yet it has never produced so much loneliness“, he explained to the journalists of Here is in 2020.

Now 55 years old, Olivier Minne has not found the one who made him want to start a family. A situation that does not sadden him, quite the contrary! Serein, the former host of Everyone has a say will thus have no reproach or criticism of his offspring concerning their education. No nappies to change, teenage crisis to manage or nonsense to scold, Olivier Minne fully savors his life without children. “I tell myself that by not having become a father, I avoid the inevitable reproaches that all parents experience at some point. It’s comfortable. I have no regrets” he admitted with humor.

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