Olivier Minne and his coming out: the host “felt the need to say it”, frank confidences

Olivier Minne may have gone through slumps, which pushed him into exile in the United States, but he never left the hearts of the French. The host is even still popular 35 years after the start of his television career. This is the reason why France 2 still trusts him so much to animate Fort Boyard. This is also its 20th season. The whole team then naturally gave him a little surprise on set a few months ago, which moved him a lot, as evidenced by the video in our slideshow.

Always present on the air therefore, also on a daily basis with Everyone has a say, it nevertheless remains very discreet. It was then a big surprise when in 2014, he announced that he was “straight” at the microphone of RMC. And in 2017, he confirmed himself “define as gay” in the pages of TV 7 days. “I used this pirouette because I didn’t want to deny the stories I had with women (…). Today, I would define myself as gay. I never went through this phase of concealment because everything happened quietly in a family that did not ask questions about it.“, he confided at the time.

Since then, Olivier Minne had found his natural reserve. But, on the occasion of a new interview for TV 2 weeks which he covers, the host returned to his coming-out. “It was not the subject of any planning or calculationhe assured. I probably felt the need to say it, without me wondering more about the question. It is true that there had been the episode of Marriage for all with all that it had generated as demonstrations. But you know, I’m a very discreet person“.

Talking about his sexual orientation was then not the most natural thing for him, who struggled to confide in himself. “I was raised in discretion. In my family, we don’t ‘bring back our strawberries’. At the start of my career, I had to do violence to myself several times to talk about my childhood or my adolescence, because I find it incorrect. I’m not saying I’m right to think so, but that’s the way it is“, he explained.

Complete interview to be found in TV 2 Weeksedition from July 16 to 29, 2022.

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