Olivier Giroud reveals his family life: rare photos of his son Aaron (4 years old), fan of beautiful cars

Better late than never as they say! A real football star for more than ten years now, Olivier Giroud was so far rather refractory to social networks. A real singularity in a universe where most players have several accounts and do not hesitate to display their lives to the delight of their fans. If Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Neymar are the three most popular players, the former striker of the France team is still very far from it, but he has had a rather interesting start on social networks.

After starting the Instagram adventure on January 6, he already has more than 418,000 subscribers. A great performance for the one who presents himself above all as world champion in his biography. For the moment, he has mainly posted photos related to his career and his adventure at AC Milan in Italy, but two days ago he posted a more intimate post. Indeed, to celebrate the birthday of his little Aaron, born in January 2018, Olivier Giroud posted two beautiful photos of his birthday. “Happy birthday my little boy, I love you more than the whole universe”, he writes in English.

On the pictures, even if he takes care to hide the face of his son, we can see that Olivier Giroud has put the dishes in the big ones. On a black, white and gold theme, Aaron was treated to two superb cakes to celebrate his fourth birthday. Sweat one of the two gourmet creations throne a Lamborghini. Aaron already seems to love Italian luxury cars.

Married to Jennifer since 2011, Olivier Giroud is a man very close to his family. Father of two daughters, Jade (born in June 2013) and Aria (born in November 2020) and another boy, Evan (born in March 2016), the one who describes himself as very religious makes a faultless debut on social networks. The proof, his publication has already received more than 66,000 likes.

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