Olivier Gayat (Large Families): Panic with two of his children, an incident filmed live

Some children of the tribe Gayat Although they may have left the family nest, they all remain very close to each other. As proof, during the weekend, young Rudy and Jade came to sleep with their big sister Elsa, who recently moved in with her companion, a rapper named Salah. But the evening didn’t quite go as planned.

As revealed by the father of the clan of nine children Olivier Gayat, through a live Instagram made on Saturday May 21, 2022, his children Elsa and Rudy found themselves stranded in the bathroom. He therefore hastened to join their building in the middle of the night to help them find a solution. “The problem is that theThe front door is locked, so you can’t even go inside. And in addition, Jade she sleeps at their house, she sleeps alone, poor thing“, commented the husband of Soukdavone. Fortunately, the bathroom of the apartment has a window, which gave an idea to Olivier Gayat. “They have no way out of the bathroom, so there we try to hang up a lot of clothes so that I pass them a screwdriver, but it’s on the fourth floor. It’s too hot. They’re both really blocked, they don’t have a handle, they don’t have anything. I hope they have enough clothes“, he continued.

Finally, the star candidate of Large families, life in XXL (TF1) was able to access the clothes tied end to end which formed a rope and slipped a screwdriver into a pocket. “Its good. I put it in the pocket, I close, but you go up slowly because it can be blocked. Go ahead, BG“, he then addressed to his son Rudy.

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