Olivier Gayat (Large families): he no longer has the same life as before the show!

In 2020, the Gayat tribe was revealed to the general public in Large families, life in XXL. Soukdavone and Olivier revealed their daily life as parents of nine children and quickly became the darlings of the public. Unfortunately for several months, they are no longer part of the program. But the show had a positive effect in the life of the family man.

Unlike the Santoro family, the Gayats do not intend to return to docu-reality this year. The parents prefer to concentrate on their projects and Olivier recently launched a beautiful one, as he confided in an interview for Entertainment TV. When he became known, the husband of Soukdavone (who recently admitted that he had screwed up in his couple) was a house painter for a company. But thanks to Large families, he was able to enter the world of entrepreneurship. “I’m still an influencer and I still work in construction. Thanks to the fallout from the show, I was able to open my can of paint and soil. It’s very recent, I opened my business at the beginning of last November“, revealed the grandfather of Kayden. And to add that everything is back in order with his wife. Something to delight their community.

Their eldest daughter Olivia also has a big plan. With his companion Sora, they will soon live in their own love nest. “I’m still influencing and growing my YouTube channel at the same time. I have other projects coming up as well, like building my house. We are currently in the final phase of the paperwork. We are going to sign at the notary and the construction should start next month. The move in is scheduled for early 2023.said the 26-year-old.

As for Soukdavone, her health concerns now seem behind her. As a reminder, last November, a large calculation blocked his bladder. She had therefore been operated on urgently and had to go back to the billiards last February to remove new “small calculations“. But she assures us today that she is better, even if she has to continue to do exams. What great news then.

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