Faced with the controversial position of La France insoumise concerning the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, the boss of the PS, Olivier Faure, believes Tuesday that Jean-Luc Mélenchon can no longer “be the one who embodies the left and ecology”.
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The first secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure said he hoped Tuesday October 17 on France Inter a “moratorium” on the participation of his party in the work of the Nupes intergroup in the National Assembly while awaiting a “clarification” of LFI regarding its controversial position on Hamas. Some leaders of La France insoumise have in fact refused to designate Hamas as a “terrorist” organization.
>> Israel-Hamas conflict: Fabien Roussel “in deep disagreement” with LFI
“I will suggest [mardi 17 octobre au] evening to the socialists a moratorium, I would suggest that, until we have succeeded in obtaining a clarification, we no longer participate in the work of the Nupes intergroup”. The PS national council meets in the evening of Tuesday October 17.
“Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who a year and a half ago embodied our collective hopes, can no longer claim to be the one who embodies the entire left and ecology”also assured the boss of the Socialist Party.
“There is a strategy posed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon to conflictualize everything, to ensure that at any time, there is always a clear divide. The problem is that it no longer only divides the right from the left, it also divides the left, and that’s the problem.”detailed Olivier Faure.
The left is “stepping back”
“This is also what means that we are no longer able to move forward. We should have progressed after the pension reform, we should have progressed after the Nahel affair, we should have progressed now on the issue of the Israeli conflict -Palestinian. And we are going backwards, and it is the National Front which is increasing”he continued.
“I hope that we can build the gathering on clear foundations. Those who are ready must dialogue together. Is it the same Nupes, is it another Nupes? We will see “concluded Olivier Faure.