Olivier Dussopt’s angry cry to LFI deputies

The Minister of Labor let his anger express itself, Friday evening, during the end of the debates on the pension reform in the National Assembly.

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The Minister of Labor was annoyed, on the night of Friday February 17 to Saturday February 18, when the debates on pension reform ended in the National Assembly. “You insulted me for 15 days”launched Olivier Dussopt to the LFI deputies who left the hemicycle while he was speaking at the microphone. “You go out but you insulted me. Nobody cracked and we are there in front of you for the reform”he concluded, his voice hoarse.

The two weeks of debate at the Palais Bourbon were stormy, between parliamentary battle, insults, invectives and polemics. Among the incidents that may have overshadowed the substance of the exchanges: the photo of LFI deputy Thomas Portes treading on a ball bearing the image of Olivier Dussopt.

>> Pension reform: a mess of amendments and an electric climate… We summarize the two weeks of debate in the Assembly

The text is now expected in the Senate, on February 28 in committee, then in the hemicycle on March 2. The senatorial majority leans to the right and, unlike the Republican deputies, the LR senators are united and in favor of this pension reform.

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