The employers’ and trade union organizations co-managing Agirc-Arrco concluded an agreement last week notably increasing supplementary pensions by 4.9%.
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End of negotiations. Olivier Dussopt declared, Tuesday October 11, that the government would “have to respond” has a “public accounts imbalance of one billion euros” provoked by the agreement concluded between the unions and the employers on supplementary private pensions, seeming to confirm its desire to drain Agirc-Arrco. “We placed our trust in social dialogue and today we regret that the social partners did not take into account this necessary responsibility for our public finances”declared the Minister of Labor.
Last week, the employer and union organizations co-managing Agirc-Arrco concluded an agreement on the four-year management of this fund. Taking advantage of the system’s surpluses, they notably decided to revalue supplementary pensions by 4.9%, in line with inflation, and to eliminate the “penalty”, this 10% discount which encouraged employees to postpone their departure by one year after having met all the legal conditions. Unions and employers also stood together on a major point: their refusal to organize a “financial tip” towards the State which demanded between 1 and 3 billion euros annually by 2030 to help finance the increase in small pensions, provided for by the pension reform.
“The Agirc-Arrco expenses are public expenses, considered as such in the eyes of the European Union. This agreement unbalances the public accounts by a billion euros, which we will have to respond to”, declared the minister. To resolve the problem, Olivier Dussport stated that “the budgetary debates which are opening must also make it possible to regain this budgetary balance, whether through the finance bill (PLF) or the social security financing bill (PLFSS)” for 2024.