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Tuesday, March 29, Anne-Sophie Lapix questions Olivier Besancenot, support of the presidential candidate of the New Anti-Capitalist Party Philippe Poutou.
“Philippe Poutou, President of the Republic, he would grant the right to self-determination [de la Corse]”, indicates Olivier Besancenot, of the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA), on the set of 20 Hours, Tuesday March 29. The NPA candidate, Philippe Poutou, had indicated that the French state was a “colonial state”which denies people fundamental rights.
Among his measures, Philippe Poutou proposes a law prohibiting layoffs in companies that make profits. “We think it’s up to the bigger companies to pay for the smaller ones”, says Olivier Besancenot, who wants to create a new branch of social security. Philippe Poutou also wants to reduce working time. “We propose that everyone work much less so that everyone has a job (…). If we shared the working time, that would be 30 hours of work”says Olivier Besancenot.