Olivia Gayat (Large families) married: Her son Kayden cute in traditional dress

After four years of love and the birth of a baby boy in December 2020, Kayden, Olivia Gayat and her darling Sorachadi got married on March 30, 2022. It was on Instagram that the eldest daughter of Olivier and Soukdavone Gayat announced the good news. The pretty 26-year-old brunette shared some photos of their religious union, the “hlel” from the Muslim tradition. “Husband wife. Thank you life ! I’m so happy, it was one of the best days of my life. 30-03-22, religious wedding“, she captioned under a publication.

And who says religious wedding, says traditional outfits! Olivia Gayat therefore opted for a white oriental dress and very long with golden ornaments. His companion, an insurance broker, who is also an educator/football coach, was dressed in what is called a jabador. Their adorable son Kayden was also dressed for the big day in a set consisting of a white shirt, an embroidered vest and a taguia as her mother revealed on her networks. Olivia’s parents became famous thanks to Large families, life in XXL have also posted images through which Kayden appears cute in her outfit for the occasion (see our slideshow).

If Olivia and her darling of Reunionese and Comorian origin celebrated a religious wedding, the pretty brunette explained not convert to Islam. The couple are also planning another ceremony.”within a year or two“.”My dream would be to have our entire families reunited for this wedding, so of course we will have to organize ourselves well in advance to bring my darling’s family.“, she explained to her community over the weekend. Thus, their union will be truly official. “I don’t have my darling’s name yet because we have not yet done the wedding at the town hall, we have only done the hlel which is the religious wedding. It was already a very important step for us and for my darling who is Muslim“, still confided Olivia.

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