Older than her boyfriend, so what?

Thank you Bridget! And all the others…

The young girl and her grandpa are the daily life of the tabloid press. But in recent years, the trend has reversed. Good news to which Brigitte Macron, the wife of the President of the Republic, is undoubtedly no stranger… Just like Heidi Klum (sixteen years apart with her husband Tom Kaulitz), or even Alessandra Sublet (thirteen years older than his ex Jordan Deguen), who participated in the evolution of societal norms and representations. And it feels good !

No more “cleaning products”

The sinews of war, as so often: money. If until then women were the youngest in couples with a large age difference, it was because they were very often looking for financial security. Complicated access to higher education, very entrenched norm of the mother at home, ban on managing their bank account on their own, women have been dependent on their husband’s income for a very long time. This is changing today with the accession to positions of responsibility and the extension of their rights. Hooray!

Scrabble, no thanks…

The big positive point when you’re with a young man is that he doesn’t have the tinsel, nor the slightly old-fashioned hobbies of dad! With him, you can reconnect with your lightness, your hotheaded side, and you find the adrenaline of your youth. Less set in his routine, he is also often more open to change. Not to mention that in bed too, you risk revving up… Enough to boost your vital and sexual energy for a good little while!

Love has no age

Yes, it is obvious. But only for the fairer sex! Studies on dating sites prove it: 50-year-old men are looking for people younger than them, while 50-year-old women will rather go to someone their own age. According to François de Singly, sociologist and professor at the University of Paris-Descartes, it is quite simply because the latter “do not necessarily seek to have a companion that they can show off”. They want chemistry more, caring less about the image they send back. Old or young, the important thing is just to like it.

Go to the playa… without complex!

Spain, through its Ministry of Equality, has just launched a major body positive campaign. The goal ? To fight against the injunctions of the famous summer body, by encouraging all morphologies to come and enjoy the sea. A real problem, however: some of the women represented on the poster were without their consent, and even say that their bodies there has been retouched! There’s still work for the relaxation beach…

A gemstone in your sacred cave

Do you believe in the power of stones and do you love to masturbate? Bingo, we found your dildo! Jade to find serenity, obsidian to regain courage, white quartz to increase concentration, amethyst to reduce migraines… The La Gemmes range gives you all the benefits of rocks and ensures you an endless orgasm! Dildo La Gemmes, 129 € on amorelie.fr

Women we would like to see with a little young

1 // Elizabeth II

2 // Elizabeth Borne

3 // Celine Dion

SEE ALSO: Scarlett Johansson at SNL: ‘I’m Officially a MILF’!

Anabelle Gentez

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