Old and new TFC subscribers rush to the Stadium to collect their cards

That’s it, Toulouse Football Club subscribers can retrieve their “physical” access card (with their identity card) since Tuesday August 2, at the Stadium shop. The counter is open until this Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

“We are no longer ashamed”

There is also a dematerialized “e card” available for download on the TFC website since the end of July; but subscribers like to make the trip and have their purple card, the size of a credit card, in their wallet. The club already has more than 9,000 subscribers, almost three times more than last year. Subscriptions cost between 99 euros (for those under 16) and the most expensive 800 euros (around 150 to 200 euros in the Brice Taton bend).

This Tuesday, August 2, temporary workers recruited for the occasion were struggling so that the wait was not too long. In the line, which always had a good twenty people, some are long-time subscribers, like Jean-Michel. “I’ve been coming to the Stadium since 1970 and I’ve never seen this, he said. We feel that a real story is being told on the sporting level and with the city”. Mathieu follows him the violets since he was little and rejoices: “Before, the club, nobody didn’t care and now everyone is intrigued”. Quentin subscribes to him for the first time and he says it frankly: “We are no longer ashamed to support the TFC”. Teddy, him “I had fun. I’ve been working for a short time and I’ve paid myself the subscription. I hope to go see all the matches and that we’ll keep going!”

For the record, Damien Comoli, the president, went quickly to the shop, all smiles. “There is a lot of people” he blurted out to one of the vendors.

First match against Nice on Sunday

The TFC is back in Ligue 1 and will play its first match this Sunday, August 7 against Nice, at 1 p.m., at the Stadium; a match to live on France Bleu Occitanie in full, like all Tef’ matches. Note: the match against PSG will be on Wednesday August 31 at 9 p.m.; the box office is not yet open and the first places will be reserved for subscribers.

The TFC has so far four new recruits : strikers Zakaria Aboukhlal (Dutch, 22) and Thijs Dallinga (Dutch, 21; goalkeeper Kjetil Haug (Norwegian, 24); defender Oliver Zanden (Swedish, 20). The transfer window continues until September 1.

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