“Oh no mum, again?” : Léa Salamé annoys her son Gabriel and his companion Raphaël Glucksmann

Léa Salamé was more than happy to meet Juliette Armanet on Saturday January 22, 2022 in a new issue of‘We are live, on France 2. Laurent Ruquier’s sidekick is a very big fan of the singer named in three categories at the Victoires de la musique 2022: female artist, album of the year with Burn the fire, original song with The last day of disco. And Léa Salamé did not hide her passion for Juliette Armanet and her music from the artist and the other evening guests (François-Xavier Demaison, Géraldine Maillet, Reda Kateb …), quite the contrary.

Me, I’m crazy about Armanet, for once since the first album“, confided the journalist, radiant in her marinière. And to illustrate her point, Léa Salamé did not hesitate to reveal an anecdote from her private life, involving her companion, the essayist and politician Raphaël Glucksmann, their son Gabriel but also his son-in-law. Before starting a family with Léa Salamé, Raphaël Glucksmann had a first son with Eka Zgouladze, former Deputy Minister of the Interior of Georgia and Ukraine. Last February, Léa Salamé had also shared a rare photo of his three men, proud of his blended family.

We have a rule in the family, it’s that everyone puts a song in the car at home in turn. I live with a man and two little boys who listen to Jul, Stromae, rap, Lil Nas X… and every time my turn comes, for a month and tomorrow, I impose the same song on them, The latest disco day. Every time it’s ‘Oh no mom, again‘”, said the journalist, without wanting to please the men of the family by changing the title. Apart from taking their troubles patiently, they have no other choice in the face of Léa’s passion!

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