Official mascots | A shortage of pandas in China

China, the land of the panda, did not produce enough panda-themed souvenirs for the Beijing Olympics, organizers admitted on Sunday.

Posted at 10:06 a.m.

Bing Dwen Dwen is the official mascot of the 2022 Olympics, but many Chinese fans have failed to secure it. Chinese media reported long queues at Beijing souvenir shops, where many disappointed fans were turned away.

“Due to the Spring Festival, it’s a holiday in China. Many factory workers take their leave at home, which has affected the supply of official products,” said Zhao Weidong, a spokesperson for the Organizing Committee.

“We are currently working to coordinate the production and supply of Bing Dwen Dwen,” he promised.

Bing Dwen Dwen is a chubby panda on skates. Some, who have not managed to get their hands on the coveted toy, say they are ready to pay nearly 250 Canadian dollars to get it, about ten times its initial value.

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