Offensive to recruit daycares: annual bonus of $3,000 to bring in retired educators

Quebec is launching an offensive to recruit 18,000 daycare educators and is even offering a bonus of up to $3,000 per year for retired childcare workers who agree to come back and lend a hand to the network.

To respect its commitment to offer a place in daycare to all young Quebecers within four years, the Legault government must hire additional educators. Ministers Mathieu Lacombe and Jean Boulet announced Monday a series of incentives to convince young and old to choose this profession.

Struggling with a serious labor shortage, Quebec is even trying to attract retired childcare workers. Those who agree to return to work with toddlers will be able to receive up to $3,000 more than current employees.

The Minister of Families believes that educators in CPE and daycare need this reinforcement after more than a year and a half of the pandemic. And to convince retirees to come back to work, you have to be “attractive”, he pleads.

“To get people out of retirement and be able to count on their great experience, they are effectively granted a 6.6% bonus which is added to the retirement income they already have,” he specifies.

His colleague from Labor and Employment clarified that this bonus will apply until March 2023.

More details to come…

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