of the French leave the country, with the feeling of a very close war


France 3

Article written by

D. Ollieric, C. Kenck, I. Rodneva, P. Miette – France 3

France Televisions

Since Saturday February 19, the Quai d’Orsay has recommended that all its nationals leave Ukraine. How do the French living in the country react to the escalation observed in recent days? Are they ready to urgently leave Ukrainian territory?

Max and his wife have just learned that France recommends to its nationals to leave Ukraine. But for them, the decision is already made: they stay. Max is 25 years old, he works in IT. He still hopes for a diplomatic solution. “Even if there was an actual invasion, I don’t think my life would be in danger in Kyiv“, he assures. Christophe, he runs a French pastry shop in Kiev. Despite the 150,000 Russians at the gates of the country, he chooses to stay. “We imagine all the scenarios, we prepare ourselves mentally, we make some small reservations“, he declares.

Many French people have already left the country. A teacher at the French school had planned to go on vacation. He counts the hours before takeoff. “I can say that some friends, more serene than me, are starting to panic a little bit“, he confides. In recent days at Kiev airport, French people were already leaving the country, with the feeling of a very close war.

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