of students miss a month and a half of class due to an absence

This is the anxiety of many dads and moms. Failure to replace absent teachers. In some cases, the kids – whether in primary or secondary school – sometimes go for several weeks without having lessons. This is what happened for CE2 and CM1 students from the Jean Jaurès school in Martigues.

These students in a bi-level class have missed six weeks of classes since the start of the school year. Twenty parents therefore took advantage of the end of the classes, this Monday afternoon, to show their fed up. This is the case of Zara, who came to pick up her boy, Amine, and her sparsely filled CE2 student satchel: “We don’t know where they are because we couldn’t get their notebooks back. We haven’t had a follow-up since their mistress left”annoys this 45-year-old mother.

The teacher in question left in mid-November and was not replaced immediately, nor on a regular basis. As a result, the kids had to be dispatched to classes at other levels: “He was crying because he was with little ones and he was just coloringcontinues Zara.

When it’s the child himself who comes to tell you: “Mom, I’m bored, I don’t want to go with CP anymore, it’s getting serious” – Zara, student mother

Four substitutes requested

Several replacements have succeeded to allow lessons to resume. “Since the beginning of the school year, there have been foursays Clothilde, mother of Loreto. So obviously it’s complicated for them.”

It is indeed difficult for these children to adapt to the arrival of a new “master” or a news “teacher”. “Everyone has their own character, their own method. And at their age, our little ones need stability”, judge Sabrina, mother. Upheavals which have lasted, in truth, for more than two years, according to Justine Balique, representative of the FCPE at the Jean Jaurès school: “We are coming after the Covid period when there were multiple breaks in education. So parents remain very worried.”

At this time, the parents in question only want one thing: that the new replacement, who arrived on Monday, remains in his post until the end of the school year.

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