of MEPs defend the idea of ​​sanctions against Poland

Mateusz Morawiecki was clear to MEPs: no Polexit but no “blackmail” no more. “This is becoming a habitual method in some Member States, this is not the basis of democracy”, declared the Polish Prime Minister, Tuesday, October 19, in the Parliament in Strasbourg.

>> Why does Poland’s questioning of European law make the EU tremble?

The head of the Polish government stands firm against the European Union, which threatens to block the subsidies promised to his country after the judgment issued in early October by the Polish Constitutional Court. It calls into question the primacy of European law over national law, one of the founding principles of the EU.

Mateusz Morawiecki defended a Europe of “sovereign” states where community law does not systematically take precedence over national law. There remains the possibility for the European Commission or the Parliament to put pressure as proposed by many MEPs. “We must act immediately, says Fabienne Keller, centrist MEP, member of the Renew Europe group and former mayor of Strasbourg. What appears most concrete today is not to release European funds. His speech looks like a propaganda speech. ”

“The current authoritarian government understands only force. And the strength of the European Union today is money.”

Fabienne Keller, MEP

to franceinfo

Sandro Gozi, also a member of the Renew Europe group, is also in favor of “sanctions” with regard to Warsaw. “Europe à la carte is not our Europe, he explains. Europe is not a continental cash dispenser, a supermarket of values ​​in which we go through the shelves, choosing the values ​​that we want to respect more than others. ” For Andreas Schwab, German MEP, member of the European People’s Party (EPP): “We must avoid too harsh language. We must not knock. We must negotiate and discuss but on the basis of common values ​​and in case, no longer pay the funds that are provided.”

Dialogue is still possible, said Ursula Von Der Leyen in front of the deputies. But the President of the European Commission warns that she will act in the face of this unprecedented attack on one of the founding principles of the EU. She commits to it: “We cannot and we will not allow our common values ​​to be endangered.”

MEPs defend idea of ​​sanctions against Poland – Benjamin Illy report

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