of elected officials sponsor Emmanuel Macron even if he is not officially a candidate

The elected officials announced on Twitter that they had sent their sponsorship to the Constitutional Council, the day after the launch of a website to support the future candidacy of the President of the Republic.

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Several elected officials announced on Friday January 28 on social networks that they have sent their sponsorship in favor of Emmanuel Macron to the Constitutional Council for the 2022 presidential election, although the President of the Republic has not yet officially announced that he was a candidate for the renewal of his mandate. On Thursday, La République en Marche announced the creation of a website, entitled avecvous2022.fr, to support the future candidacy of the president.

This is for example the case of the mayor La République en Marche (LREM) of Autun (Saône-et-Loire). Vincent Chauvet announces on his Twitter account: “I sponsored Emmanuel Macron this morning for the presidential election.” Brittany regional councilor Tristan Brehier did the same. “Today, I sponsor Emmanuel Macron!”, he wrote on the social network. The first deputy mayor of Louviers also sent her sponsorship in favor of the President of the Republic, “without hesitation but with a touch of emotion”she announced on Twitter.

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