“Of course, we are going to restore” state medical aid, assures the president of the Renaissance group to the National Assembly

The Senate removed the AME during its vote on the immigration bill.


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The hemicycle of the National Assembly, November 7, 2023 in Paris.  (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

“We are very attached to state medical aid” For “humanitarian reasons. Obviously, we will restore it”, said on franceinfo Friday November 17 on franceinfo Sylvain Maillard, Renaissance deputy and president of the group in the National Assembly. The Senate adopted the immigration bill in a version that was toughened on several points. The Luxembourg Palace notably removed State Medical Aid and article 3 concerning regularization in professions in shortage.

On the first point, Sylvain Maillard believes that “It is in our interest to treat everyone. We are seeing tuberculosis resurface. Obviously, we must treat those who are infected,” he assures. The MP admits that it will be necessary to do “evolve” the AME based on the first conclusions of the Evin-Stefanini report which concludes that this system must be maintained.

Concerning the regularization of undocumented foreign workers, Sylvain Maillard and the Renaissance deputies are working to “a balance”. In the first version of the text, “we have created an enforceable right”which was removed by the Senators for “discretionary power to prefects”. The MP proposes another solution, “that of putting into law all the provisions which would give the right to regularization with very clear principles. The prefect could at any time stop a procedure for different reasons with discretionary power”he explained.

Sylvain Maillard is “convinced” to get “a majority” in the National Assembly. “I’m waiting to see the Republican deputies vote against this text, a text to simplify procedures to ensure that those who have no vocation to be in France leave. They are going to vote against that? Really? They don’t know where they live anymore! That’s the truth. I’m waiting to see how they’ll get out of this.”, he said. The boss of the Renaissance group “had enough of posturing”. Sylvain Maillard hopes that the text will be adopted before the end of the year as part of the programmed legislative time procedure which allows the duration of debates to be fixed in advance: “I’m obviously going to ask for it next Tuesday, but a majority of the groups have to want it. We’ll see,” he concludes.

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