“Of course” that it remains a government priority, assures Olivier Dussopt


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“Everything is open” according to the Minister of Labour, who ensures that this reform remains on the government’s agenda. Proposals are expected in mid-September.

Everything is open“, declared the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, about the pension reform, Wednesday, September 7 on franceinfo. Thus, he did not close the door to an extension of the contribution period. This reform remains “sure“a government priority according to the minister.”The Prime Minister had said it, had hammered it: there is no totem, we must find ways and means to both improve our system and balance it financially.“, he adds.

According to him, “we all know that for the system to be improved and balanced, more work is needed, there are not thirty-six solutions“.”Either we increase taxes, nobody wants it, or we let the debt slip away, it’s no longer possible, or we work more“, lists Olivier Dussopt.

To date, the plan to reform pensions has stalled, but “things will be able to move forward, we will be able to discuss it“.”We have a calendar that will start around September 15, for a very simple reason: on this date, the Pensions Orientation Council, an independent body, will publish its report on the financial state of the pension system and the projections. financial aspects of this 2030-2040 pension system“.

On this basis, we will have the opportunity to discuss with the social partners to share this diagnosis” and “then we will see what measures need to be implemented to both balance and improve“, explains Olivier Dussopt.

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