of construction workers abandoned by their boss


France 3

Article written by

C. de La Guérivière, France 3 Auverge, F. Pairaud – France 3

France Televisions

A boss who mysteriously flies away and workers who find themselves on the floor. Two weeks ago, the 15 employees of a construction company in Clermont-Ferrand (Puy de Dome) found the company’s offices completely empty.

Clermont-Ferrand construction workers (Puy de Dome) are flabbergasted. Two weeks ago, in the center of town, they found the door closed. Their company’s offices have been completely emptied. “We all showed up at the office, it was open. But the problem was that when we got into it, there was no longer a pen, nothing, just the furniture”, says Dylan Michel, employee of BTP Croiset.

The boss vanished overnight. No more signs of life. Yet they trusted him, he only had a phone number. “It strikes me. He’s a boss that everyone would have liked to have, someone outgoing and close to his employees”, deplores Thierry Michel, employee of BTP Croiset. The 15 employees did not receive their September salaries. They are worried about the months to come. The employees are stuck. The labor courts have been seized, but the procedure will be long for the employees.

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