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Faced with rising energy costs, companies based in France and Europe may well decide to leave the Old Continent to lower the bill. Explanations.
French industries are on alert. Business energy bills continue to climb and could push some groups to relocate part of their production. The most exposed sectors are aluminium, plastics and chemicals. In Rupt-sur-Moselle (Vosges), in a textile workshop, the production reduction solution was favoured. To save electricity, workers and machines only work three days a week, instead of five. During the closures, employees are on partial unemployment.
In Europe, in other companies, the movement of delocalization seems to begin. The destinations envisaged are the Maghreb, which produces its own gas, but also the United States, Canada, or Asia. In all these regions, the price of energy is increasing, but less than in France and Europe. In addition, the fall in the price of maritime transport could encourage relocations.