Sainte-Odile, patron saint of Alsace, was she already a European? This is a question posed by the book “Odile d’Alsace, Sainte d’Europe” by Philippe Nuss, I immediately want to clarify that he is not from my family, there are a few, I never met him, he is a mathematician, professor at the University of Strasbourg and author of several historical publications. You are going to tell me: Another book on Saint Odile?
This work deals with an aspect rarely addressed by Odilian literature: the cult of the saint. Philippe Nuss decided to work only with sources foreign to Alsace and prior to the year 1200. That may be surprising. This can be explained, however, by the proven goal set by the investigator: to provide a theoretical foundation for the European scope taken over the centuries by the cult of Saint Odile.
– Edition ID
Philippe Nuss’s book invites you to travel both in time and in space in which religious, institutional and political aspects blend together. He explores the five centuries that separate Odile’s terrestrial life from the year 1200, and travels a space between Tuscany and the Netherlands, between England and Moravia. At the end of its reading, one conclusion emerges: from the year 1200, Odile d’Alsace fully deserves the patent of saint of Europe, not only of Alsace. You can also read the preface written by Monsignor Luc RAVEL, Archbishop of Strasbourg and the foreword by Canon Bernard XIBAUT, Chancellor of the Archdiocese and Dean of the Cathedral Chapter of Strasbourg. This 304-page book, very well documented, was published by ID edition and can be found in all your bookstores at a price of 24 €.
The book on the publisher’s site ID.